Dear Embroidery Lovers,
Thank you for being part of the BIROCHKA EMBROIDERY community!
In order to take part in the competition, you must make a purchase on New Year’s sale and answer the following questions:
- Is embroidery for you – a hobby or a business?
- What do you think, what designs are missing in our store? and what designs would you like to see more? (for example: applique, designs for children, jewelry, lace, designs for decorating clothes or home decor, flowers, brooches, other …)
- What designs do you most often buy and embroider? (for example: applique, designs for children, jewelry, lace, designs for decorating clothes or home decor, flowers, brooches, other …)
- What design you can not find on sale, but really would like to purchase?
The winner of the competition will be the one who answers in more detail and interesting. The winner will be announced on January 11, 2019 and will be able to choose any three designs of his choice for free!
Dear Embroidery Lovers, thank you all for participating in the competition!
Your opinion is very important to me! Every your answer will help me better understand your favorite embroidery techniques and become better for you!
It was very difficult for me to choose a winner ) Therefore, I decided to mark all the best comments with prizes!
The winner of the competition – Kristi !!!
Please select any three designs of your choice and email me at:
And one design for your choices will receive: agmak, Наталья, kct3458, Sylvia Claussen, Nathalie !!!
Please select any one design of your choice and email me at:
Hobby for 15 years,
ITH quick designs such as bags, totes,
ITH home decor like mug rugs, pillows,
graduated sizes of baskets made ITH for holidays
decorating cloths, jewery, its.
1. Hobby
2. ITH Wallets
3. Flowers, Lace, Red Work
4. Clothing Decor
1. Hobby for about 9 yrs and I still consider myself a novice
2. ITH Wallets, pouches that will assist me in keeping my purse organized
3. Flowers, Lace, Red Work, I find these to make an awesome fashion statement
4. Fashion Decor these really light up my garments and make a convo piece
1. Both a hobby and business.
2.I love nature designs. Animals, Native American
3.designs that are not too dense, I love to add them to quilts. Flowers, birds and butterflies
1. Embroidery has been a hobby of mine for over 20 years. I am self taught and would like a 10needke embroidery in hopes if starting a small business.
2. Your website is full of beautiful designs. I’d like to make some religious items; ie… table runners, placemats and maybe a lap quilt.
Thank you for the beautiful designs.
3. The majority of my designs were purchased with children in mind. They are a mixture of embroidery and appliqué. Sports and animals are the largest of my folded. Now that they have grown, I am ready to branch out.
4. I’m just beginning to look for religious items. Once I decide on what I am going to make 1st, I will then want to purchase.
Hobby of two years.
I love photo stitch most is too big for my max hoop of 5×7. So that is what I would like to see more of.
I do FSL a fair bit , novelty items for Grandchildren, and towels both bath and kitchen really appreciate the hanging holders. The applique to hang towels on hooks are great.
I really would like tiny fonts, under half inch. I have one from The Mad Woman Of Flock Street that I can use on Fsl. I like tiny items to add to FSL, your Christmas Items are sweet a sale on them.
1: hobby for the last 17 years.
2: Applique Designs
4: hmmm
1. I started machine embroidery early last year and I love it. It is my only hobby now and I have recently started a business with it. It is wonderful to make a bit of money doing something I love.
2. One can never have too many FSL designs. Your free standing lace Hydrangea flower is incredible and so versatile. Every one that I make is unique and I get so many complements from them.
3. I like younger designs because of my children. My teenager loves steampunk, goth and mythology whereas my preteen loves fairy tales and dragons.
4. Photo stitch patterns as they usually are more limited and run a bit pricier.
Embroidery is a hobby that allows me to give gifts to people I love and to people I want to give happiness. I carefully choose the designs with the heart.
I love your models because they are created with care and I have no problem doing them.
The models that I prefer, are the cats in the average sizes, 5×7 for example. I would also like to see models ITH. small pockets, key holders, …
The model that I have not found for sale, it comes from my imagination, I would dream to find several trapunto cat patterns in 4×4 and 5×7 dimensions.
here, I would also like to say thank you for your beautiful designs and thank you for giving us dreams and happiness. I wish you a happy new year 2019.
Embroidery is a hobby that allows me to give gifts to people I love and to people I want to give happiness. I carefully choose the designs with the heart.
I love your models because they are created with care and I have no problem doing them.
The models that I prefer, are the cats in the average sizes, 5×7 for example. I would also like to see models ITH. small pockets, key holders, …
The model that I have not found for sale, it comes from my imagination, I would dream to find several trapunto cat patterns in 4×4 and 5×7 dimensions.
here, I would also like to say thank you for your beautiful designs and thank you for giving us dreams and happiness. I wish you a happy new year 2019.
1. Hobby
2. CROSS STITCH PATTERNS – traditional stile
3. designs for decorating clothes or home decor, flowers and geometrical or Red Work
4. A unique design that I drew after an old picture . my software does not give me a thankful program.
Both for about 20 years
ITH Projects
Depends on mood I’m in
ITH projects
Всех с новым годом и рождеством Христовым!
Для меня вышивка это пока хобби, но если были бы заказы то не была бы против.
Я бы хотела приобрести мелкие дизайны 3д, для кукол которые подошли бы.
Так же я люблю дизайны с апликацией. А вообще магазинчик у вас классный! Очень люблю орхидеи. И если б был дизайн орхидей Для вазочки (полный комплект) обязательно куплю.
1. Is embroidery for you – a hobby or a business?
Answer: A hobby for the most part. Sell a few pieces of jewelry at a nearby boutique.
2. What do you think, what designs are missing in our store? and what designs would you like to see more? (for example: applique, designs for children, jewelry, lace, designs for decorating clothes or home decor, flowers, brooches, other …)
Answer: I love the thread bracelets with matching earrings. Would love to see more sets like that. I would like to see earrings that are a bit smaller in size – I love the designs but some our just too big for earrings that I would wear.
3.What designs do you most often buy and embroider? (for example: applique, designs for children, jewelry, lace, designs for decorating clothes or home decor, flowers, brooches, other …)
Answer: I love free standing lace designs. Especially jewelry. I love the coordinated sets you have and how they are displayed and put together. I love earrings, but I especially love the necklaces you have.
4. What design you can not find on sale, but really would like to purchase? I love all your designs! I love how you have sales on occasion and especially love how responsive you are to questions. I love to keep finding new designs – so keep designing!! Especially jewelry!!
1. For me, embroidery is mostly for fun since I make my family gifts for their birthday and Christmas as I am a retired RN, currently on disability, so my funds are limited. However, I do have a small home-based sewing business and I will occasionally incorporate embroidery into what I am making for my clients.
2. I would love to see more 3D designs or maybe ITH doll or stuffie designs. I love the extra boost the 3D designs give to items that I make.
3. I make a lot of items for rescue groups to help them raise funds. So, anything related to dogs and cats would be fabulous. I have made quilts, doggy t-shirts, dog bandanas as well as dog clothes which have raised money for rescues near and dear to my heart.
4. I would love to get the poem “Rainbow Bridge” split for the 5×7 hoop. The poem is about 6 verses and the one designer that had digitized it is no longer around and I cannot find it anywhere. I have it in the 4×4, but since I have finally gotten a new machine, I can now use designs for the 5×7 hoop.
Thank you for this opportunity and may you have a Prosperous New Year!
1. Для меня вышивка – любимое хобби, а также прекрасная возможность сделать каждую вещь уникальной и собрать букет комплиментов.
2-3. Выбор в магазине – на любой вкус и на каждый случай. Я чаще всего использую дизайны для украшения одежды или домашнего текстиля. Мне важно, чтобы дизайн был не очень плотным. Также очень нравятся оригинальные броши.
4. Очень хочется дизайн американского кокер-спаниеля в технике “рисунок карандашом”. Английские кокеры есть, видела. Но у меня живет американка – вот ее и хочу вышить.
Спасибо за вопросы – очень редко производители дизайнов интересуются мнением потребителей. И счастливого Нового года
1.Вышивка для меня – любимое хобби. Вышиваю внукам (их 4). дочери, себе. делаю подарки. Вышиваю для дома : наволочки. занавески, прихватки.
2. Можно добавить в ваш замечательный магазин дизайны трапунто (сумочки. косметички, очечники, чехлы для смартфона и т.д.) и дизайны для органзы
3.Больше всего люблю вышивать украшения fsl . Я их уже много купила и вышила. Еще нравится вышивать на фетре и органзе. Серьги мне великоваты-я их использую, как подвески.
4. Нравятся этнические украшения-кельтские, египетские. Если появятся в магазине такие дизайны буду рада.
Спасибо за распродажи и бесплатные дизайны. С уважением , Анна
Strictly hobby
Love to see more designs for clothing, designs for greeting cards, especially Christmas and
birthdays…would like these with edge for a 5×7 card so I can use cardstock, batting and top layer of fabric then stitch design on fabric. Free standing lace designs
I tend to purchase children’s designs for grandbabies, floral, jewelry
Greeting card designs
You have beautiful designs. Tomorrow I am going to try to use your pansy on a birthday card with the additional petals added…have my fingers crossed that not too many stitches!